2010年6月9日 星期三

Mission Trip - Praises

- Ping Tung Raey Guang Elementary School (瑞光國小) principle willing to open the door for Ping Tung Grace Church (屏東恩主堂). 12 classes were scheduled for the mission team this week.
- Supports and assistance from school teachers and staff.
- 50 patients from Ping Tung General Hospital (屏東醫院) Psychiatric ward were attending worship sharing time. We had a good praise and worship time with the patients.
- The mission team shared gospel with more than 40 patients from room to room at Ping Tung Christian school (屏基病房探訪). Every patient has different needs and the team managed to pray with the each individual patient.
- Surprised to see brother "Little David" from MYAF (1998) is attending seminary school at Holy Light Theological Seminary. See attached picture :)
- The team witness God's amazing arrangement for Sister Zhao. How she walks her life 68 years with faith. She is now 88 year old.
- Saturday Morning Worship Service at Ping Tung Christian Hospital (屏東基督教醫院) Praised God that patients were willing to sit down and sing with the team.
- Saturday Night of Gospel (福音晚會) at Ping Tung Grace Church. Praised God that people in Ping Tung willingness to attend this special service.
- Great bonding between mission team members.
- Safety and healthy of the mission team.